
Tuesday 15th

gee getting a bit update since last Thurs!

ok Friday i went out after work that was good

Sat worked at home and to a movie and dinner with Bry

sunday was totally boring but achieved a fair amount of jobs

Monday was all work and out after dinner

Today is work work and my brother has just left after we put a tap further down the garden


Thursday oh Thursday

WOW So much has happened

Tuesday i trained new people for my night job YIPPEEE i handed them the keys and bounced out of work that night

Wed was exciting going to a new contract and watching all those Fed Gov workers doing NOTHING HAHAHA anyway it's soo much easier and what a delight to be home after work @6PM!!!!!!

My morning supervisor is on holidays at the moment so i'm the acting supervisor ....and i will only be acting HAHA

Going out after work tonight just to get a good feel of my new freedom!



Gee time has slipped past quickly

Fri night i went out to my fav daisy patch

sat was all boing as the timber never arrived Fri and Sunday just seemed a wast of time

Today i went out for lunch and a short drive with a daisy then work and all that shit



Yippee a good day at last

work is shit...still waiting for my transfer, taken a sickie today in protest

haven't done much since monday as i've been pissed off about work

going to be busy painting the timber for the carport this weekend (i hope the weather permits)